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Influencer partnerships at RINGANA

With the changes to journalism brought by social media, classic press relations have also been transformed. New opinion-makers have emerged who are attracting people’s trust. They first and foremost include bloggers and social media influencers. For RINGANA too, these new opinion-makers have meanwhile become an integral part of our press strategy, as a way of further boosting general brand awareness.


# What is the difference between an influencer and a RINGANA Partner?

RINGANA exclusively remunerates influencers with products and/or by reimbursing their expenses, so they are not entitled to any commission. RINGANA treats influencers in the same way as journalists, so that they too receive press releases at regular intervals. On this basis, influencers generate valuable content for RINGANA in relation to selected RINGANA products, and this contributes to brand awareness. Influencers who collaborate with RINGANA cannot be RINGANA Partners. Conversely, this also means that there can be no influencer collaborations with RINGANA Partners.

# Are influencers allowed to organise competitions?

From the outset, RINGANA has staged competitions for customers and Partners to give them regular treats. As a tool, competitions boost customer loyalty, and are also a part of press relations. Journalists, independent influencers and magazines are therefore offered RINGANA products for holding competitions. This increases both brand awareness, and RINGANA’s reach. This in turn has a positive impact on your activities and your success as a RINGANA Partner.

# How do I, as a RINGANA Partner, benefit from influencers who collaborate with RINGANA?

Just as with classic press relations, influencers also boost awareness of the RINGANA brand. Your customers’ attention is regularly drawn to RINGANA in a wide variety of ways. For instance, an influencer may advertise RINGANA products on Instagram to their followers. Those followers may include your potential or existing customers who are also getting product recommendations from you. This multiple reminder of the products is particularly good for promoting your sales because positive reporting in independent media builds a high level of trust with your target groups. In conjunction with your personal product advertising, excellent synergy effects can develop.

# What can these synergies look like in real life?

Imagine that you’re talking to a customer for the first time. In a best-case scenario, that customer has already come into contact with the RINGANA brand via a number of different touchpoints. The customer tells you that they have been made aware of RINGANA by their favourite influencers on Instagram, etc. Based on that, the customer has found out about a couple of products on and has read some exciting blog articles there. Or they may have entered a competition and, as a winner, they’ve already been able to test products. For you as a RINGANA Partner, this already gives you some common ground for your conversation. Every single one of these touchpoints gives you an advantage in terms of trust, and boosts your success when recommending the products.


In January 2023 RINGANA will once again be driving ahead with an influencer collaboration. Within the scope of our “Feel Good Journey” campaign, selected content creators will be creating content related to RINGANA products and values which will be given increased exposure on the Facebook and Instagram social media channels.

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